Latest Episodes

Episode 13: Reflections on Founder Suicide, Part 2
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Every forty seconds, someone commits suicide. The rate of suicide is going...

Episode 12: Founder Suicide Part 1: An Interview with Brian Casel
In this episode, Sherry talks with Brian Casel of Bootstrapped Web about his friend Clint Warren who died by suicide earlier this year. They...

Episode 11: A Little Marital Negotiation
Sherry interviews married couple, Will and Maura. They talk about the challenges of finding time to work on a start-up while balancing two kids...

Episode 10: Founders At Play
Show Notes In this episode of ZenFounder, Sherry and Rob discuss the definition of play, why it is important, the benefits of it, and...

Episode 9: Raising Entrepreneurial Kids
Sherry and Rob talk about how the startup life has influenced their approach to parenting. Entrepreneurial values: 1) creativity 2) self-reliance 3) problem solving,...

Episode 8: Arrival
Sherry and Rob get philosophical as they consider what it means to “arrive”.