As entrepreneurs who do anything in public, we seize to be individuals in the mind of the collective(general population/customers). We become part of a public conversation, which can blur the lines of what our customers want for us and what we want for ourselves. Sherry warns entrepreneurs to be careful to listen to the ques of your minds and bodies and what its telling you. You may be tired, burned out, depressed, these may be signs to step away, sell, or do something different. No matter how loud the noise, the collective will never know whats best for you and your business better than you do.
Sherry interviews Andrew Warner of Mixergy about running, money, mental, and grief. They discuss his accomplished goal of running a marathon in every continent,...
Sherry and Rob talk about how to form and grow relationships. As with most people demands and responsibilities take up most of the day,...
In this episode Sherry talks about a new addition to the family this year, their dog Gus. There are many studies linking mental health...