
The ZenFounder podcast is a combination of interviews with successful entrepreneurs, conversations with experts, and honest reflections on entrepreneur life, focused on helping entrepreneurs practice better mental health. Forbes called it one of the 12 ...more

Latest Episodes


March 24, 2023 00:32:55
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Episode 344: The Founder Mental Health Pledge

Sherry sits down with Naveed Lalani and Brad Baum, the masterminds behind the Founder Mental Health Pledge. Their initiative encourages both investors and companies...



March 17, 2023 00:17:20
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Episode 343: Better Off Without Me and Other Dangerous Lies

It's not uncommon for adults and adolescents to experience suicidal thoughts and feelings, but unfortunately, many people lack the necessary skills to address these...



March 10, 2023 00:31:24
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Episode 342: Parenting for Sexual Health with Dr. Lea Lis

Sherry talks with Dr. Lea Lis a medical doctor who is a double board-certified Adult and Child Psychiatrist. Dr. Lea discusses the topic of...



February 24, 2023 00:13:26
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Episode 341: Not What I Expected

Sherry discusses one of the prevalent obstacles of entrepreneurship - unforeseen difficulties. When we undertake challenging endeavors, we do not have control over the...



February 17, 2023 00:15:23
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Episode 340: Characteristics of Healthy Co-Founders

In this episode Sherry talks about co-founder relationships and some of the strengths she sees in the best relationships that she works with. She...



February 10, 2023 00:28:31
Episode Cover

Episode 339: Expanding Erotic Intelligence with Brooke Bergman Parr

In this week's episode, relationship expert Brooke Bergman Parr dives into the topic of sex in relationships and its significance in couples therapy. It's...

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